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[Maybe you should inspect the journal a bit closer....]

This official OneShot enamel pin was designed by Nightmargin; the hinges allow you to display it open or closed. It's about 1.4 inches tall. 

© 2018-2022 FutureCat Games


2 reviews Write a Review
Maja L
Verified Buyer
cool journal pin, but what a big boy this is!
awesome pin! the hinge works really well and holds its position perfectly :) however, for some reason it's quite a lot bigger than other fangamer pins (which is not a bad thing but it makes it stand out among the rest haha)
Review image for cool journal pin, but what a big boy this is!Review image for cool journal pin, but what a big boy this is!
Jesus Adrian M
Verified Buyer
pretty cool, fits a lot with the world machine pin and the sun pin too
Review image for niceReview image for nice