SMRPG Fanfest 2011

What's a Fanfest

Community playthru of a classic
game, hosted live every M/W/F

Featured Bonus

Belome Papercraftby Cubeecraft

Music Spotlight

Last Night a DJ Kidnapped Mallow by Skrypnyk

Live Broadcasts M/W/F @ 9pm Eastern
June 17th recording from Jon Brence + SMBC Theater's show:

Seaside Town

June 17th


Yarr, the landlubbers of Seaside Town are a suspicious lot, but they be convinced that a star has fallen into the ocean and was claimed by the terrible Jonathan Jones. Find the sunken pirate ship and defeat the pirates to earn yer fifth Star Piece. Return to Seaside Town and rescue the landlubbers from the evil that has befallen them. After that, save your game with the satisfaction of a job well-done, matey.


  • Get to the top of the 3-D Maze.
  • Real men can take on Johnny bare-handed.
  • Real men can take on Johnny bare-chested.

About Fangamer

Fangamer sells merchandise inspired by awesome/classic video games. We use the proceeds to support charities, fansites, and community events (like this Fanfest!)


Cuca posted in Arrow icon Compart Topic:
So I was wondering like others around, are there any prizes for this fanfest?Also very nice Smilax!And lumina, those textures are awesome.
Arfy posted in Arrow icon Compart Topic:
I absolutely LOVE your art style.
SuperSpeedy posted in Arrow icon [GPP 13] Smithy's Factory (Host: Fangamer):
So, the whole fight for me took about a half-hour. Used Mario, Geno, and Peach.Also, before really getting into this GPP, I took on Culex. Difficult fight, but I got him in the end.
Lucasman posted in Arrow icon [GPP 13] Smithy's Factory (Host: Fangamer):
So did I dude,so did I.
sithmaster96 posted in Arrow icon [GPP 13] Smithy's Factory (Host: Fangamer):
…Wait, did I miss the end of the Fanfest?EDIT: Awww