SMRPG Fanfest 2011

What's a Fanfest

Community playthru of a classic
game, hosted live every M/W/F

Featured Bonus

Belome Papercraftby Cubeecraft

Music Spotlight

Smithy's Going Down by NintenJoe 64

Live Broadcasts M/W/F @ 9pm Eastern
July 1st recording from Fangamer's show:


Cuca posted in Arrow icon Compart Topic:
So I was wondering like others around, are there any prizes for this fanfest?Also very nice Smilax!And lumina, those textures are awesome.
Arfy posted in Arrow icon Compart Topic:
I absolutely LOVE your art style.
SuperSpeedy posted in Arrow icon [GPP 13] Smithy's Factory (Host: Fangamer):
So, the whole fight for me took about a half-hour. Used Mario, Geno, and Peach.Also, before really getting into this GPP, I took on Culex. Difficult fight, but I got him in the end.
Lucasman posted in Arrow icon [GPP 13] Smithy's Factory (Host: Fangamer):
So did I dude,so did I.
sithmaster96 posted in Arrow icon [GPP 13] Smithy's Factory (Host: Fangamer):
…Wait, did I miss the end of the Fanfest?EDIT: Awww