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Certified Alright 4 2Nite, even if they're sunglasses. 

These official Homestar Runner cool cool glasses, designed by Tony Kuchar for Cool Weapons Surplus, are made of felt, with shiny polyurethane lenses, and a perfect fit for the Strong Bad talking plush.

They're held on with a latex band so that they won't fall down while your plush is scaling the wall of Perducci's skyscraper. (The frames are about 5.1 inches wide, not counting the stems. 

Designed just for Strong Bad...

We designed these glasses just for our talking Strong Bad plush. Typically, the Strong Bad plush always does its own stunt work...

... but they'll fit pretty much everybody

If a stunt double is absolutely necessary, you can put them on pretty much any plush that the elastic band will fit around. Provided they're prepared to jump.


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